Christi Released 100 Pounds
Christi is 100 pounds lighter and feeling fantastic! I love this plan!!!
Wearable,Displayable Art for your Redesigned Life
Christi is 100 pounds lighter and feeling fantastic! I love this plan!!!
Pasta-less Italian Salad Ingredients for Salad: • 6 small zucchini, spiralized (total weight 1 3/4 pounds) • ¼ cup red
Thanks to the structure, community, support, and tools that our program provides Lynsey has freed herself of 75 lbs! Living
Copy Cat Bang Bang Shrimp Ingredients: 10 oz of raw shrimp, tails removed, peeled and deveined (1 Leanest) 1 1/2
Heather is down 75 lbs and feeling so much better in her 50s than she did in her 30s and
Smokey Chicken and Mushrooms Yield: 4 Serving Per Serving: 1 Leaner protein, 3 greens, 1 Condiment, 1 healthy fat Ingredients:
So proud of Rebecca, she is down 30 pounds! Way to go Rebecca!